Monday, June 22, 2009

Links: June 22, 2009

So true it's sad ...

The St. Petersburg Times and Scientology hate each other. This war has been going on for a long time, basically since Scientology bought a historic hotel in Clearwater as a base for operations. Now, it seems the Times has the goods on the "church" and its "pope." Carve some serious time out to read this, as chapter 1just took me about a half-hour, chapter 2 came out today and chapter 3 will hit tonight. Really good stuff.

Some thoughts on this story, getting big play this morning on 1) Nobody in San Francisco government thinks about whether someone is an illegal immigrant or not when it comes to government services, etc., so its not a big surprise; 2) Kamala Harris goes to sleep at night and wakes up in the morning wondering what the highest office she can possibly hold is, and I have no sympathy for shallow, ambitious politicians; and 3) It is still sad that the Los Angeles paper broke this story instead of a Bay Area news source, in part because readers in SoCal who have never heard of Harris just got a rather rude introduction.

Jerry Crowe, you have almost made me projectile-vomit my breakfast at my computer screen with your touchy-feely column on Jerry Glanville. I don't know which of his quotes was worse: "I promised the good Lord that if I got home, I would coach these 19-year-olds," or "In pro football if a guy made those mistakes you'd get him a comic book, an apple and a bus ticket. He heads down the highway and you get somebody else." Which, in effect, is what Glanville did to Brett Favre after the Falcons drafted him. Horrible coach, annoying person, despicable story subject, ridiculous column. In the words of Don Martin, BLEEEEEEEEEEECH!

Way to sidestep the issue, Supremos. And it's good to know that Clarence Thomas, the only justice to experience Southern hatred, thinks the South has moved on. Yeah, right, the white power structure would never try to fix an election again ...
And, while we're on the issue of the Supreme Court, Slate is on point, as it usually is when it comes to the judicial branch of our federal government.

I'm one of the biggest Jon Stewart fans on the planet, but a prophet? I don't know the rules for being classified a Hebrew prophet, but I think Stewart's Jew jokes would knock him out of the running ...

Stopped collusion, helped cause the 1994 strike, fought steroid testing -- Donald Fehr has a mixed-up legacy. But now he is no more.

Way to go, Seth Stevenson, on realizing the Black-Eyed Peas sold out. Oh wait, you mean you're not talking about when they stopped making progressive hip-hop, brought in a talentless, hot white girl and started creating dance music for 13-year-olds that they sold to every willing bidder. Do you not remember "Let's Get Retarded," which they turned into "Let's Get it Started" and sold to the NBA and several other outlets for commercial use? These idiots sold out years ago and are just continuing down the road to future MC Hammer status, and anyone paying attention doesn't need to be told so now.

Still can't decide if I'm going to like this or not ...

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