Monday, June 15, 2009

Links: June 15, 2009

Here's a great follow-up to the recent porn HIV scare. A lesson from this story and the one that spurred it: Porns should have condoms, and regular viewers (not pointing fingers here) should demand it. And the best part of this story:
By April 2004, he was at the pinnacle of his career, traveling to foreign countries to shoot films, sometimes working six days a week and two or three scenes a day.
"You're like Superman." (James said).
Superman, indeed ...

This will be the set-up for way too many jokes on late-night television ...

Quote of the day, from an LAT article on the election protests in Iran: ""I want to stay because they beat us." Words of a defiant activist or just a sadomasochist?

Big news from the Las Vegas sports scene: Sports Illustrated's cover boy is skipping two years of high school for a chance to be the No. 1 pick in the 2010 MLB draft.
I don't know what to think of parents allowing their children to get a GED and attend a stellar institution such as College of Southern Nevada instead of maturing at a normal rate. I also don't know why someone who could get paid millions of dollars RIGHT NOW for doing what he enjoys should be denied the right just because he's a minor. I'm a fencesitter on this one, for now, but give me a good argument on either side and I could be swayed.

Didn't hear about this story until this SFGate blog post today, but it is absolutely sickening. "B" should now stand for Banned from Blogging ...

Wow, it would suck if this was your mom ...

Three things to note from this severely underwritten court story: 1) Dude's name is Manlove. Heh heh. 2) The judges basically told these kids "Go get arrested for a noise ordinance and come back later." 3) Even with the easy out of saying the kids had no right to bring the suit, three judges still voted for them. If they appeal (or go get arrested) and are successful in a future suit, then noise restrictions on music would be unconstitutional. PARTY TIME!

I'm not a cat lover, by any means, but I still don't condone this. But the most interesting part of the article is the last paragraph:
Experts say cruelty toward cats, as opposed to other animals, can fulfill a deeper need for control. Cats, unlike dogs, can be more difficult to control. They don't come when they're called and are often more independent, said Dr. Randall Lockwood of The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and author of "Forensic Investigation of Animal Cruelty."
I don't know what to make of that statement, but I like that the only part they directly sourced the expert on was that cats "don't come when they're called." Yeah, wouldn't want to go out on a limb and not source that info ...
UPDATE: As would be expected, The Miami Herald is leading the way on this story, including the information that the kid's dad is a dentist and his mom is a "life coach." Starting to make sense ...

Picture of the day:
So if you didn't think Obama came off as a new Jesus before, check him out with the "Let's rise up" motion and the name on the podium to the left. If you don't get it, do some Googling or grab a bible ...

Yet another reason to avoid Tennessee. Besides the toothless hillbillies, bad homemade moonshine and Volunteers fans ...

Um, air guitar is fine, but air sex takes it too far ...

America's craziest summer camp.

A photographer makes scientists jump up and take notice. Nice to know that one image can still change our understanding of the world.

Now that the pirates are going after oil, the U.S. has to step in. Right?

Congratulations, Trisha Bishop, for writing one of the most interesting and informative follow stories I have seen in a long time. This just goes to show that lawyers will do their best to mess with the possible outcome of a trial, but it is always the people who make the final decision. And we should pair it with today's Non Sequitur strip ...

Finally, welcome back O Captain, My Captain ...

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